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December 7, 2013


If you see this then you haven't experienced the DNS refresh yet because Binary Blogger has moved platforms. This is no longer the location where you will find me. The new blog has a menu across the top, new interface, new posts, and a new attitude going forward. Depending on DNS propagation both of these links should send you to the new IP. Maybe only does and not the WWW yet. Clear your cache, check your browsers, if all on your system so completely rebuild it if the above doesn't work. Just kidding, don't do that. The move should be seamless but the way the Internet works, migrations and DNS tend to get in the way of...

December 5, 2013

December 5, 2013 Two million Facebook, Gmail and Twitter passwords stolen by ‘criminal gang’

Full Article Here - Two million Facebook, Gmail and Twitter passwords stolen by ‘criminal gang’Two million passwords for social media and email accounts have been released online by hackers, IT security experts have discovered.from Binary Blogger's Pocket Two million Facebook, Gmail and Twitter passwords stolen by ‘criminal ga...

December 4, 2013

December 4, 2013 Moving Binary Blogger To Wordpress

Binary Blogger is going to move but don't worry for the reader the transition should be seamless. I have done the research and took the first steps today to prepare to move this blog to a self-hosted Wordpress blog. Currently I use Google Blogspot and have for all my blogs for over 5 years now. In total I have invested $20 dollars into this blog out of pocket, $10/yr for the domain registration for the last two years, so a minimal side effort. But that also means that everything that I have don't to the blog over the years is q00% manual and full of coding, tasks that I know longer have the time or patience for. I desire to kick this blog...

December 3, 2013

December 3, 2013 Still on Windows XP? Time to review your options.

Full Article Here - Still on Windows XP? Time to review your options.Does your organization still have a significant number of endpoints still running Windows XP? Don't worry, you're not alone- Forrester's Q3 2013 Hardware Survey shows us that the average organization still has 20% of their employee endpoints running XP.from Binary Blogger's Pocket Still on Windows XP? Time to review your optio...
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