My goal is not to be the next Web Magazine, my goal is to expand and give insights to regular, everyday topics across the entire spectrum of subjects, not just technology. I want to be more personable, keep it more real, I want you to get engaged and I want you to read rather skim the headlines.
Too many blogs that I used to follow started out like this then went down the road of worrying too much about traffic, ad revenue, and monthly hits. Some of the sites got so bad they have more posts about how to make money blogging and post about how much they have made blogging that they lost sight of why they started to blog in the first place. I am testing the waters and make some extra video game or camera equipment cash, sure, but you will not see this blog turn into a billboard where you have to search for the posts through the ads, beg for selling ad space for things you never click on to begin with.
I want people to read my blog because they want to, not because I show up in search because I flood my text with buzz words and marketing gimmicks.
Stick with me and you might learn something by accident along the way.
Thanks for taking the time to read my work.
Binary Blogger