April 15, 2012 southern Minnesota got it's first widespread outbreak of severe weather. Although the forecast thought the storms would be more widespread and powerful, there were still enough rollers to make it look ominous outside. I think at the end of the night there was one storm that dropped a tornado in an open field and one or two thunderstorm warnings. Nothing like what happened to the south the day before.
With almost every thunderstorm that rolls through I try to get out and photograph it. I find storms extremely fascinating and powerful. Last night I was not able to get out but the sky rumbled enough over head to get something. All you need is 1 photo right no matter how many you take and you never know when or where a shot will present itself. These I took from my bathroom.
I used a Nikon D300, bracket shot, 1 step apart, 3 exposures, F3.5, ISO200. No tripod, just continuous shot on the shutter release and holding very still. I ran them through an HDR program then did a DeNoise pass in Photoshop, no color adjustmentsn saturation adjustments, or content tweaks. The scene is as it was. I do the HDR process for two reasons, the first is to get the shadows of the clouds to pop, the second is that an HDR shot brings out the small details far better. The rain band in the background is hardly noticeable in the single shots but becomes clear when they are put together.
In between storm cells the sunset broke through and was beaming orange.
End of Line.
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