On August 6th, 2012 NASA's Curiosity rover will land on Mars. You may think, so what, another rover. This one is the most advanced and most ambitious landing ever attempted by NASA and it's all automated. Watch the video above on how this will go from entering the Martian atmosphere to landing the rover. I will be utterly amazed if it succeeds.
In partnership with Microsoft, NASA has released a free Kinect game on the Xbox Live Arcade called Mars Rover Landing which lets you control the landing sequence. The game has been advertised as a throwback to the old 1970s Atari Lander game with better graphics and using your body with the Kinect.
Being a free game which directly ties to a real world event, I can't give this a numerical rating. It's free, what do you expect? The game is a novelty, very short, and it's very fun for about an hour. After you land a few times the replay-ability is your inner desire to get all the achievements. Other than that, you will set it aside as fast as you download it.
I would recommend it if you own a Kinect and if you are remotely interested in space exploration and NASA as this is more of an interactive simulation than a real game.
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